

Karaline's Website


About Karaline

Wales. On my first bike.

MOTORBIKES. Still a biker at heart. I love the raw energy, rebellion and - yes - aggression of the biker world.


And tents! I love em. I'm happy with the smell of grass and burnt wood in my nostrils as I crawl out of my tent after a night of festival mayhem.


DANCING. I'd love to dance, for hours, to anything.


Degree level qualified (Biochemistry) but most of my employed life was spent as a programmer/analyst in Local Government.

Later I went self employed as a PC Software Developer, Quite happy to open a PC up and play with its internal bits.


It bothers me. A lot. I believe in the good in most people, but hate what I see happening. It feels impersonal. There is a great need to amass huge amounts of wealth, by something that is bigger than any individual. Pointless and crazy.

I do what I can, and hope that all the little bits will add up to a big shift in the systems of the world, soon.


It goes without saying. All of eveything wonderful involves creation.

I like it large and loud.>

But sadly, I can rarely do any of these things any more, because, since 2000 I have M.S.

It's not good, it's not bad, it just is. It is certainly sometimes a pain in the neck and other less savoury places. But is has taken me out of the rat race, and maybe my life is richer for it.

Kent Custom Show 1987

My Personal Mantra

Recently developed after listening to W. Somerset Maugham's 'The Painted Veil':


Live life with Kindness and Conviction

Thanks to https://www.one.com who host this site, http://www.w3schools.com who have taught me so much, Bristol LETS and LETSlinkUK who have kept me interested and on my toes, Bristol festivals past and present and all the housemates, friends and family who have so often suprised and inspired me.

© 2015 by Caroline Godden. All rights reserved.